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DX Log Archive

The DX Log Archive Endowed by JA1BK

Click Here for Available Logs           (last updated October 2024)


Purpose of this program

The DX Log Archive program was created, thanks to Kan Mizoguchi, JA1BK, to obtain, preserve and utilize paper logs from rare and significant DXpeditions. Primarily, logs from operations prior to the advent of computer logging, pre-1990, are the ones most sought for this program. Pre-1990 logs from stations whose operators resided in interesting and/or "rare" places are also sought for the program, as well as any logs from pre-1930. Logs accepted for the archive will be inventoried, preserved, stored, and made available for confirming contacts as needed and for use in research projects. Additionally, if there are artifacts or documents, such as licenses, landing permits, ship logs, blank QSL, etc., from DXpeditions, we would like to include those with the archiving process.

Log discovery

ARRL will actively solicit its interest in obtaining logs using social media, its web pages, DX newsletters and email lists. Frequently ARRL HQ staff is approached by a relative of a deceased Ham in an effort to donate logs - we will accept these logs for later evaluation.

Mechanics of the program

In most cases ARRL prefers to accept the donation of a log for the archive before it is sent to HQ. Contact the program administrator at [email protected] with the information about a log that is available, or is known to be available, and we will make determination. If ARRL accepts a log for donation, we will reimburse copying and/or shipping costs as necessary. ARRL would prefer to archive the original log, but will accept photocopies.

If logs are sent to the archive without prior approval by ARRL, ARRL reserves the right to reject the log for archival with an attempt to notify the sender.

Utilizing the archived logs

Available logs and their corresponding date ranges will be published online at

As this program grows, the uses for the assembled logs will become more apparent. The obvious use for the logs is to provide confirmations in digital form via Logbook of the World for those who provide matching QSL data. Depending on the size of the log, ARRL may choose to digitize logs and place them into LoTW proactively (logs after 1945). In other cases ARRL may be willing to provide a traditional QSL card from data in the archived logs for a small fee.

Inasmuch as ARRL will appear to be acting as a QSL Manager for archived logs, we do not intend for this program to be one that pre-empts existing QSL managers. Nor do we envision accepting logs from a QSL manager who desires to be relieved of his duties. There is a thriving community of QSL managers who do a great job and that should continue.

For pure entertainment and education ARRL may prepare logs for display online. Logs will also be made available for research or general interest, within ARRL HQ.

Contact us

Any questions or comments concerning this program may be sent to [email protected]


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